Inside & out

The Humanities and Mass incarceration

Twenty-four state humanities councils and their community partners participated in a landmark, three-day convening; each of the more than 150 attendees had something powerful and unique to contribute to the conversation, be it a lived experience of incarceration, experience with grantmaking or college-in-prison programming, a creative practice, a deep knowledge of the criminal legal system, or an abiding passion for the role of humanities in society. 

My role: I recorded three days of footage, focusing on the energy, relationships, and outcomes of the event.

My impact: The client and other attendees use this video to gain funding and support for similar events.

Challenges/Opportunities: This was more than just picking up B-Roll at another venue. The attendees met each other for the first time and discussed impactful and severe issues. This meant I needed to balance picking up authentic material, being open to connecting with attendees, and being aware of the room.


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